Monday, September 30, 2019

Residential car Essay

In this assignment we will discuss Residential care as a system of care provision in the Ireland. We will also discuss how the intervention may be of support to clients and the different theoretical approaches used. We will list the pros and cons of residential care and discuss the differences between the Private, Public and Voluntary sectors. Although it is generally in the best interest of the child for him or her to be brought up by their own family, it is not always possible as a child’s welfare and safety is paramount to their wellbeing. Residential care is described as care for children who can no longer be cared for by their family in their own home. This may also happen in the case of a child who has been abandoned or orphaned. Where parents are unable to cope due to illness or other problems they may agree to their children being taken into the care of the Health Service Executive ( Residential care refers to care that can be provided in a home (for children i n the care of the HSE) staffed by Care Staff. The home or centre is referred to as a children’s residential centre. Residential care may be provided in a HSE run children’s residential centres. Care may also be provided by voluntary organizations on a not for profit basis. In recent years, organizations also provide residential care for young people on a for profit basis. Under the Child Care Act 1991 residential centres have to be registered and inspected by health boards. Centre’s managed directly by the HSE are inspected by the Social Services Inspectorate (SSI) and those centres in the voluntary sector and contracted to the HSE are inspected by nominated appropriate personal. The recent development of the private sector provision of residential centres follows the similar registration and inspection requirements of the voluntary sector. (Lecture notes) The purpose of residential care is to provide a safe, nurturing environment for individual children and young people who cannot live at home or in an alternative family environment. It aims to meet in a planned way the physical, educational, emotional, spiritual, health and social needs of each child. This may include ; working with a young person’s Social Worker and other professionals to prepare a young person for a successful return home, working with a young person’s Social Worker and other professionals to prepare a young person for a successful transition to an agreed placement of choice, working with a young person’s Social Worker and other professionals to prepare a young person for a  successful transition to independent / supported living (Institute of Child Protection Studies) There are many different ways in which residential care can support a child in care. Keyworking is the provision of individualised care for each young person through a named member of the centre’s staff team. While a keyworker is not solely responsible for the care of the young person it is their responsibility to co-ordinate and ensure that the team focus is on progressing the young person’s care plan and the young person’s life in the centre. It is also crucial that the welfare and best interests of resident young people are of paramount consideration in all aspects of the care provided and that the young people in care are provided with an opportunity to feel safe, secure and protected from harm in an environment where they can be sure their primary needs will be met. Childcare act 1991 offers many approaches to meeting the needs of children and their families. Examples of these approaches include emergency care, assessment, short and long term care, respite care also to provide families in difficulty (Child Care Regulations 1996). There are s everal different theoretical approaches used in residential care.’ A therapeutic intervention is an intentional interaction(s) or event(s) which is expected to contribute to a positive outcome for a child or young person, which is selected on the basis of his/her identiï ¬ ed needs, and which is underpinned by an informed understanding of the potential impact and value of the interaction/event involved’ (Best Practice Guidelines) Attachment theory is an extremely important example. Where children who are placed in the child welfare system have not experienced a secure base with their primary carers it is essential that social care practitioners aim to form this quality of relationship with them which is what is meant by the provision of a ‘second chance secure base’. A secure base is a relationship within which a child or youth feels safe, nourished both physically and emotionally, where s/he is comforted when distressed, reassured when frightened. Aristotle argued that happiness for humans is not possible in the absence of reciprocal, affective relationships or friendships (Sherman 1991). Such relationships for children are only possible in the context of satisfactory attachments which provide for them a secure base from which to explore their environment (Bowlby 1988). Attachment theory emphasises that continuity and sensitive responses to youth in care are key features of the environment of care-giving (Rutter  & O’ Connor 1999). Due to persistent relationship problems and patterns, care staff offering a good relationship may not be enough. There may be a need to actively identify abusive relating and encourage and model alternatives. Important principles are: modelling; rewards rather than punishments; and natural consequences and consistently applied limits (Morton et al., 1999, p. 57). Social learning theory together with trauma and non-violence theory can form the basis of models which see the whole environment as a therapeutic agent (Abramovitz & Bloom, 2003). A social care worker needs to have a variety of skills and qualities when working in a residential home with vulnerable clients. The care worker needs to be open minded and non-judgemental, a good listener, patient, be able to work as part of a team, be understanding and must be flexible and be able to work under pressure or adapt to any changes quickly. Like every situation or care setting there are always pros and cons. The pros of residential care include: Residential Care is seen as a secure environment. Children get to build relationships with others Regulated by HSE to ensure the best possible care and services are given Activities are arranged The child’s needs are met and there is consistent care givenThe Cons of a residential care setting include: The child may feel neglected or unwanted and see themselves as being institutionalised. Often required to do things at set times May not always have a choice who they share rooms with and may not be compatible Limited living space and private space  A good care provider may not be good at property management and maintenance and vice versa ( Residential homes are operational under the three sectors which are public, private and voluntary. The public sector is defined as the whole of the activities, organisations, institutions or services, for which the state or its representatives can be regarded as the employer, and whereby the organisation, the goals and the operation thereof are determined by public authorities and underpinned by public funding.( The Private Sector is the part of the economy that is not fully state controlled  and is run by individuals or groups of people. In the case of residential homes an example of a private run care home is Daffodil Care services. Although this is a private run service it is still monitored by the Health Service Executive. The final sector is the voluntary sector, which has ‘pioneered the provision of services, with the state becoming involved in a supportive role at a later stage’. In many instances voluntary organisations supplement the b asic services provided by the state. Depending on the type of activity engaged in, there are different sources of funding for voluntary organisations. These include the European Social Fund and Lottery Funding. The main sources of recurrent funds for the majority of voluntary organisations providing welfare services are health boards. Section 65 of the Health Act, 1953 provides that health authorities may support organisations providing services similar to those of the health authority. (Curry 2003) Conclusion In conclusion to this assignment we have discussed Residential Care as a whole and shows how theoretical approaches are used and also gives us a clear understanding of the three different sectors. Residential care will always be needed in society to ensure the care for children who may not have any other options or resources available. Reference List: Curry, J (2003). Irish Social Services, 4th ed. Dublin : British Library Best practice guidelines(2009)best practice guidelines for the use and implementation of therapeutic interventions for children and young people in out of home care [online] available:—Publications/Guidance-Documents/CAAB-Best-Prac-Guide-hteraputice-Inter.aspx[6th December 2011]. Evergreenconsultantsinhumanbehaviour[online][6th December 2011].

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Discharge Planning Checklist Essay

Discharging a patient from a hospital setting should be very easy, according to all of the patients that are in the hospital and don’t care about anything at the moment except getting home. While the patient is inpatient there are many things that could go wrong, however in house the patient is being controlled and managed. When a patient goes home there are no monitors or hourly blood draws to ensure their safety and survival. Discharge planning is not easy, and should never be perceived as such. Hospitals must have certain policies in place to ensure the patient and the family understand what to do when they go home, in regards to medications, therapy, etc. In order to meet conditions for discharge planning the hospital must be able to define how the obligation is to be met, determine readiness for discharge, identify who is responsible for the discharge. In order to determine a patient is ready to be discharged, the patient must be no longer in need of acute care services a nd the patient’s needs for post-acute care services have been identified and plans have been made. Hospitals have a legal obligation to assess the patient’s medical status at time of discharge, take steps to identify appropriate community services that can meet the patient’s needs, and make reasonable attempts to make services known and available to patients. When a patient goes into the hospital they are looking for their life to be saved because of some medical issue. A doctor looks at the patient and determines the medical plan for that patient to stabilize the patient. This could include tests, surgery, medications, etc. While the patient is in the hospital they get transported to and from, unknown medications are provided to stabilize the patient in house. While discharging the patient the hospital must make sure that the patient who was sick coming into the hospital and is now no longer needing acute care services is still able to follow the plan set forth by the physician that saw them once they get home. If a patient had Cardiac Bypass surgery for example, th ey might need home health. Or if a patient has an infection requiring home IV antibiotics, does the patient have or will receive all the materials necessary to complete treatment at home. Some  patients have to go into a rehab facility. Documentation and communication are also a vital part in discharge planning. The chart must be documented appropriately to state why if any post-acute care is needed. The chart must include documentation on the plan that the patient needs or the facility needs for further care. Communicate with the patient and the family about the plan. Make sure to assess the patient and family’s level of understanding. One must be sensitive to patients that do not know medical terminology. Medications are a huge liability and a huge misunderstanding with patients. The plan must have medications clearly written with times and how often the patient should take them. The discharge nurse should take the time to verbally go over the medications with the patients and their family’s to ensure compliance with medications. In defining obligation for discharging the patient, the hospital has to consider many factors. Who decides when the patien t is ready to go home? What services is the hospital obligated to provide? What should the patient be told and who should tell the patient? Special needs must be taken into consideration before a patient is discharged. Make sure enough teaching is being provided. Assess a patient that is living on their own and might struggle with recovery, thus, needing possible home health or a rehab facility. Patient with inadequate financial resources of inadequate living facilities, need to be assessed for possible infection post hospital, and for medication compliance. Will the patient be able to afford any meds given at discharge? Are their free medication programs that this patient can be enrolled in? As a patient being in the hospital is usually not a vacation. The patient is sick, uncomfortable, can’t sleep well with machines going and IV lines, etc. Going home to a patient is truly the only thing that they care about. When a physician mentions the possibility of discharge to a patient, their only thought is freedom! It is vital to the patient that is not thinking of their health, for the discharge planner to go through the entire checklist to ensure that patients survival when they get out of â€Å"jail†.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Brian Piccolo A Short Story Essay Research

Brian Piccolo A Short Story Essay, Research Paper BRIAN PICCOLO: A SHORT SEASON The book, # 8220 ; Brian Piccolo: A Short Season # 8221 ; by Jeannie Morris, truly depicts how one # 8217 ; s true dream can go shattered by the monstrous disease that has come to be known as Cancer. One might believe that this book is a deadening, no-point book, but rather to the contrary. More books like this one demand to be out on the shelves today to truly exemplify to those healthy people out there that life is non ever merely a bowl of cherries. There are people out at that place enduring and malignant neoplastic disease has ruined, if non taken, there lives. Brian Piccolo was a running back for the Chicago Bears in the late 60 # 8217 ; s. One dark, during a game, # 8220 ; Pic # 8221 ; , as his refrends referred to him, had made two touchdowns on his ain. After his last touchdown, nevertheless ; Pic began to experience light headed and naseaus. Once to the touchdown zone, Brian fell to his articulatio genuss in torment and collapsed. The cause for this was due to a big tumour in his organic structure that turned out to be mallignent. Once the physicians tried to travel on and take the tumour, they were shocked to see that it was the size of a Citrus paradisi. His married woman, Joy Piccolo, stood at his side the full operation and everynight at that place after. Brian and Joy were what most people would name the # 8220 ; ideal # 8221 ; twosome. Brian was the All-American hardworking jock, while Joy was the loving supportive married woman that stood by his side no affair what his successes or failures might convey. Brian lived through the operation, but so the Piccolo’s got another piece of put offing piece of intelligence. What was this piece of intelligence, you might be inquiring yourself. The reply is in the book, â€Å"Brian Piccolo: A Short Season† by Jeannie Morris. This book traces the life and decease of a ace hwo had a dream. A dream to do his loving fans happy and to go a large name in the National Football League. With his friends and household, Brian will populate on. The writer of this book, Jeannie Morris, was a close friend of the Piccolos. Once the full quandary that the Piccolo # 8217 ; s were in was all said and done, Joy asked Jeannie if she would complete the book that Brian started. And the remainder is history. Jeannie completed the book and began a fund that helped in the research of malignant neoplastic disease and in the research to happening the remedy for the deathly disease that comes in so many signifiers. In shutting, one of Pic # 8217 ; s best friends, Gale # 8220 ; Magic # 8221 ; Sayers, went to an awards ceremonial for the George S. Halas award, an award given to jocks who show above mean character, public presentation, stature, and is viewed in the public oculus as a hero. This award was given to Sayers and was quoted as stating this: # 8220 ; I accept the George S. Halas award for Brian Piccolo, a beloved friend of mine. It is mine today, it is his tomorrow # 8230 ; I love Brian Piccolo and I # 8217 ; d like you to love him, excessively. Tonight, when you hit your articulatio genuss, delight inquire God to love him, excessively # 8230 ; # 8221 ; -Gale Sayers, 1970

Friday, September 27, 2019

Tactical Leadership Versus Organizational leadership Essay

Tactical Leadership Versus Organizational leadership - Essay Example Tactical and organizational leadership styles are two of these which are undertaken and adopted for similar aims and objectives. Each of these modes of leadership has one thing in common- achieving the defined goals and objectives, the difference is in the path following, procedures adoption, tools and techniques employment. Before understanding the two forms of leadership styles, it is imperative to define each and better understand the background and concept under which each is implemented and is most effective. The two have considerable differences between them, as well as similarities in functions, nature and execution. This paper looks into the overall relationship and individual existence and performance domain and style of each leadership style. Backed by intensive thinking and brain storming (Person, 2010, 46) and solid execution, while organizational leadership is supported by smooth decisions enforced by organizational observation and participation. The basic genesis of the concept of tactical derives from the previous experiences and observations. Based on all the knowledge and expertise gained, the leadership duties and responsibilities are performed accordingly. These actions may be the experience gained in individual capacity or experience based on the collective actions taken by the team and the organization which allows for experience derivation for future course of action. Certain variables are associated with this kind of leadership style; these are the time frame and constraint, the extent of participation of the leader and the element of charisma (Porter, Angle, & Allen, 2003, 246). As a result of the prior knowledge the steps are undertaken to solve the problems and devise a strategy according to the requirements. Such form of leadership still is highly effective when there is direct contact with the sub ordinates such as military on the field interaction and war

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Summer of Sam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Summer of Sam - Essay Example The film then cuts to a car driving through New York. In these opening scenes great emphasis is placed on the juxtaposition off sonic and visual elements to create impact and viewer interest. As the film advances it begins to assume more of a traditional linear narrative format. As it follows a man and his wife as they go into a nightclub, and the follows the man as he leaves and engages in intercourse with a woman he picked up there; they are ultimately interrupted by a mysterious car. The next scene at 7:32 includes another murder. It’s clear that while the narrative appears to be centered around these characters, in reality the viewer has in part been placed in the position of the mysterious murderer, who hovers in the background throughout these narrative developments. The film then cuts back to the man in who has returned to the nightclub. These characters, in contrast to the murderer, represents the film’s first developed parallel narrative structure. At 13:00 the film introduces the third narrative element, considering the life of Richie, a punk rock youth. At 20:25, the film then combines these parallel narratives as Richie and the man from the nightclub meet-up. At 30:00, the narrative then seamlessly gives way to an encounter between two cops and perceived Mafioso.

History of Community Junior College Movement in American Education Essay

History of Community Junior College Movement in American Education - Essay Example ; the lengthened period of adolescence, which mandated custodial care of the young for a longer time; and the drive for social equality, which supposedly would be enhanced if more people had access to higher education.†(Cohen, 2008, p.1)Since their inception, community colleges have fit in to the American educational system well, and they have perceptible effects on the community with the services they provide. Cohen writes, â€Å"New technologies demanded skilled operators, and training them could be done by schools.†(Cohen, 2008, p.1)One change led to the other setting forth a chain reaction for the better. New areas of service are added. The authors further states people with different goals demand varied programs; the additional programs demand the attention of different categories of then populace (Cohen,2008,p.2) Change in the pattern of student demography is seen; with the rapid expansion, funding is a major issue. The technological advancement affects the instructional technology. Relationship with the community attains new dimensions. The occupational education scores precedence as it is more favorably disposed to employment opportunities. The need for constant evaluation of the future perspective becomes part of the college administration and the management as they have to move with the demand of the times. Historically speaking, the authors write, â€Å"Public supported universities, given impetus by the Morrill Acts of 1862 and 1890, had been established at every state.†(Cohen, 2008, p.2)Since education is closely linked to economic, social and cultural life of the community, changes in one or more areas affects the system of education in the community colleges. Students spend formative years of their life in the Community Colleges and their association here, what they learn here, has profound impact on their future life. â€Å"At the second annual meeting of the American Association of Junior Colleges, in 1922, a junior college was defined as â€Å"an

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Representation of Obesity in the Media Research Paper

Representation of Obesity in the Media - Research Paper Example It is necessary to say that the media focuses especially much attention on the issue of obesity in those countries where it is an acute social problem, too. First of all, this is a matter of discussion in the media of the US. According to statistics of 2014, approximately two-thirds of adults in the US are overweight or obese, which makes obesity rates of this country among the highest in the world. The situation in Australia and New Zealand is quite similar. It is often compared to the health crisis in the US. As a result, obesity became one of the most frequent health issues discussed in the media, at least in these countries. Even despite so high obesity rates in the US, people in this country are extremely prejudiced against those who are overweight or obese. This is obvious that the media is due in no small part to this fact. Very often, the image of people who are obese is quite negative in the media. Popular television shows, for instance, portray them either as comedic, lonely characters, or freaks (Whyte, 2010). The Drew Carey Show, a popular American sitcom, may illustrate this. Its main character, Drew Carey, often expresses disappointment about his own weight. One of his co-workers, Mimi, is portrayed as a large unattractive woman. Obese people are also shown as awkward, slovenly, obnoxious, and even stupid. In media, it is hardly ever possible to come across a successful lawyer, doctor, or businessman who is overweight or obese. At the same time, however, the situation is drastically different in real life. In fact, people whose weight is normal are a minority today.  Ã‚  

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Proposal - Essay Example Like the students, educators also want to feel safe, secured, respected, and well - supported. Rooney (2003) suggests that â€Å"the wisdom of the good school must be worked out by those who live within its walls† yet there are so many issues in education which varies from highly qualified staff to unsafe school buildings and all areas in between. According to Weissbourd (2003), "schools can best support students moral development by helping teachers manage the stresses of their profession by increasing teachers capacity for reflection and empathy.† Another concern addressed by disenfranchised educators is the lack of state and federal funding to secure an adequate education. â€Å"School districts in poor rural communities have suffered funding issues for generations† (Borman, 2003); however, under public interest, the concern for teachers’ satisfaction oftentimes goes unnoticed. A qualitative random sample will be drawn from 20 K-12 public school teachers representing Dillon County School District Two. Survey and interview questions will be distributed to each educator. The researcher will then analyze the data using the appropriate statistical method. A. Problem under study: Lack of safety and salary as well as unsatisfactory administrative and parental support are the causative factors in the decline of the teachers entering the classroom. The problem addressed by this study is the significance teacher job satisfaction on student academic achievement. F. Data Collection Procedures: Survey forms and questionnaires comprising 10 questions will be distributed to 20 K - 12 educators from 6 schools in Dillon County District Two. This one week study consists of surveys and interview questions that will highlight on teachers’ satisfaction and students’ achievement. Problem Statement: The lack of teachers’ safety, salaries, and unsatisfactory administrative and parental support are the causative factors for teachers’

Monday, September 23, 2019

Smoking in public places Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Smoking in public places - Research Paper Example For instance, one may smoke to ease tension or pressure. On the other hand, many people believe that smoking in public or generally smoking should be banned. There are reasons as to why this has not yet happened, and it is not bound to happen soon. Governments throughout the world make lots of profits from taxes on tobacco and cigarettes. Second, income from taxes collected can be used to put up social amenities such as parks. Lastly, tobacco industry carries with it many employment opportunities and hence a source of livelihood for many citizens. This paper is an analysis of smoking in public places, and it will also help us understand its effects and how people view this practice and what majority feel should be done. Despite the few positive impacts that come with smoking, many are the adverse impacts and effects that accompany smoking. To start with, smoking has been ranked as the primary cause of health problems globally (Fong, 15-45). According to information from health offices, one cigarette contains more than 4000 chemical substances that are the cause of the many health problems whereby 70 of these chemicals are known to cause cancer. These chemicals have for a long time been associated with diseases such as lung cancer, heart diseases, asthma or bronchitis. Reports have indicated that approximately 3,000 adults die each year in the United States due to lung cancer. This is a huge number compared to other causes of deaths in the same country. Another report from Britain indicated that while 3,500 people are killed e ach year in road accidents, 12,000 people die each year out of exposure to tobacco smoking (Hudson, par. 2-6). This shows that smoking has potential to take away many live more than other forms of health risks and people should be aware of all the risks that come along with smoking. Other than active smokers being exposed to dangers of tobacco smoking, passive smokers share the same fate. This is because passive smokers

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Ethics in Group Counseling Essay Example for Free

Ethics in Group Counseling Essay Ethics is also termed as philosophy, which is a branch of philosophy that includes the systematizing, defending and recommending concepts of the right and wrong conducts. There are three major field of study within ethics that involves Metha-ethics that concerns with the theoretical meaning that are used to reference of moral propositions and their truth-values that can be determined, the normative ethics that concerns with the practical means of determining a moral course of action. Lastly is the applied ethics that concerns with what an individual is obligated to do in an appropriate situation or at a particular domain. This research paper can explore the various ethical issues that arise during a group session. There are certain ethical conditions that should be upheld in the panel session from the initial stages of the formation of the group to the working phase of the group. The group leader should be able to uphold definitive ethical, moral codes. Thus, the paper can enlighten the various ways that a group leader should act in the midst of a conflict as well as confidentiality within the group. In focusing on the ethical responsibility of members of a group it necessary to concentrate on the following topics that are explained as follows. Ethical Responsibility Ethical responsibility is the duty that follows the moral correct paths. The ethical responsibilities of the group entail that each member has the responsibility to be honest with other group members so that to be able to make decisions in the group sessions. It is necessary that there must be a clear moral standard from the outset. For instance, create and enforce a code of conduct that ensures that group members are treated fairly to avoid the appearance of unethical behaviors. The group leader should be able to ensure that there is transparency when dealing with group members. Also the ethical that you might feel you have, you should consider how the group‘s morality could affect the group productivity. Ethical Communication in  Small Groups Dealing with small groups work we major on focusing on getting the job done while maintain a reasonable relationship among group members. Ethics in a small group involve three levels whereby we have the individual group member, the group, and the group environment. Thus using ethics in a small group, it enhances the moral aspects of the group interaction. The ethical communication enables the human worthiness and the dignity by fostering the truthfulness, fairness, responsibility and enhancing the personal integrity. Thus, ethical communication in small groups is used for caring and accountability for oneself and other group members. Some other principles that are more applicable to small group communication involves: the truthfulness ,accuracy, honesty and provision of the integrity of communication, endorse freedom of expression and diversity of perspective together with the tolerance of dissent to be able to achieve the informed and responsible for making decision making fundament al to a civil society. Unethical communication causes threats to the quality of all communication and the consequently of the well-being of the individuals and the society. In addition, as a manager be able to create a promotion communication climate of caring and mutual understanding that exist with respect and uniqueness needs and characteristics of individuals communicator and be able to accept responsibilities for the short and long-term consequences. Ethics is more easily discussed than putting into real practice as demonstrated by San Jose Mercury stated that the increasing trend in an organization to integrate a code of ethics for daily activities. Ethical communication requires that an effective critical thinking skills, recognizing the importance of the diverse perspectives and respect for the well-being of self and other taking the responsibility for individual and the group actions and reflecting on the choices the group members can make.. Ethics in Group Counseling During the session of group counseling, consist of the psychiatric care that many patients meet more at therapist at a time. Each group has different topics that they wish to tackle for the growth that enhances the distinction of the financial issue that an individual counseling can be able to create.  The financial tights limit the delivery of the community agency for individual counseling. Focusing on the Barlow Research stated that group-counseling sessions are more successful than the individual ones. Thus by evaluating the various facts that the states that group counseling benefit more patients at one time as well as being used more than the individual counseling. Through McCarty studies, they were able to answer questions that were concerning the indicator of the importance of group counseling as compared to individual counseling. They described the positive aspect of the group counseling as well as stipulating the negative side of the group counseling. The positive results of the group counseling involve the developing of the social skills among the group due to a safe environment in which the group members can share their thoughts feelings and ideas. In addition, the aspect that concerns the patients to be able to receive a positive feedback from their own group mate as well as various perspective on a similar issue, the group members can enhance to learn new ways in order to see a particular problem. Considering the negative aspects of the group therapy involves the clients were not speaking during a group therapy session since they are too shy to share their views in the front of other individuals. The other aspect consists of group settings and the benefits that are more important in the individual setting. The other aspect involves the issue of time which is limited and the group and the group sessions do not have flexibility date setting, thus any session that is placed by the counselor should be mandatory and set in the panel settings Characteristics of an Ethical Leader During the group, counseling session there must be proper individuals that are trained and equipped in an efficient manner to lead during the session. The individual that lead the session is considered as a leader who addresses the various issues that arise during the session. Some research that was done by Kalshoven and Hugh wanted to determine the individual characteristics that a leader requires that to lead an effective a counseling session. They stated that the major features of the ethical leader were both agreeable and conscientious. In their study, they proposed that a leader possess the traits whereby the manager requires the features to ethical standards in the counseling session. Another study that was done  by Riggio stated that the two important moral emotions that a leader must possess is the empathy for their clients as well as compassion for the individual wellbeing. Jacobs in his literature book stated strongly that leaders in group counseling must be at a state to have skills in organizing and planning the counseling sessions in order to keep orders and maintain the structure of the group. As a counselor, he/she must be able to answer the challenging question that can arise and ensure a complete knowledge understanding. The counselor should be able to understand the counseling theory to enhance proper training that can assist in the implementation of the ethical foundations. Primary Planning The counselor should be given proper training in advance with the aim of ensuring an effective ways in the counseling session. Thus, the counselor is required to attend a counseling session to have the insight to the future issues and the dilemmas they might face. Thus in the participation of that session it allows them to coin and gain the understanding and the perspective. According to Corey, the study suggested that for a minimum of 10 hours of observation and taking notes of the session. This paramount process enables the counselor to be involved in ethical decision-making and well-organized knowledge. The area of jurisdiction must be satisfactory to the counselor by screening the patients before joining the group, in a move to avoid disruption and hurting the whole group at the end of the process. During the screening session, it entailed answering, unsettled questions at the stipulated time. Further, there must be an alignment with the purpose of the group as well as make the t eam leader who will be able to meet the needs of the client as much as possible. The process of planning entails alignment of the client and counselor so that the customer will be free to the counselor to give out and share the deep and times emotions. Once the process of screening is finished, there is an informed consent section. The client that discusses what issues they will be able to encounter during the counseling sessions. The preliminary role of these step, it enables the disclosure of information to the group members to inform the clients the pros and cons of joining the group. It is also suggested that the informed consent section has potential risks that the members might face while in a group therapy session. It is well explained by the Corey survey, which  states that some clients might experience their privacy, which is a guarantee that the other member will respect their privacy The informed consent is usually presented to customers in a written and oral manner so that the clients can be completely informed of what they will encounter so that to avoid surprises when the sessions begin. In the consent, the clients are required to contain the role expectations of colleagues and the leader, the policies and the procedures that are governing the mandated group, the documentation requirements and the procedures for the consultation between group leader and the group members. Open or Closed Group It is stated that it beneficial to choose the group counseling since it is better to make a decision. There are supportive reasons to those suggestions that cause the more efficient counseling method. At first, the counselor can reach out a larger group of people. Instead of focusing much time on one person, we assist the lives of many other than concentrating on a single individual. Through group counseling, it benefits both the client and the counselor since it creates a great way to build a community and stimulate the counseling session. Secondly, the group counseling is more effective since the counselor can build his/her leadership skills this is created because of the counselors can encounter various problems and through making mistakes, they can become stronger and efficient leaders as the session progresses. The third reason it beneficial for both the counselor and the group since the counselor can be able to raise his revenue through obtaining a group counselling session as compared to one person and the member of the group can save money as well. Also, the cost of individual counseling is expensive as compared to the panel session The last reason to consider the group session is such that it is much effective since the counselor can continually learn experiment and strive to make a difference in the life of a client. Group Processes According to Corey, he stated that in-group counseling the issue of conflict within counseling in a group is common. The topic at times is inevitable within the group when you have personal clashing and perspectives within the group. However, according to Jacobs warned that the issues that are dealing with the denominator, negative member, and the overwhelming chronic talker,  and some issues of asking a member to leave are expected to arise in the counseling setting. Thus, it is important to note that some of the problems do not solely happen in the group setting but may happen as well in the personal counseling setting session. Therefore, the most important issue about conflict is not the conflict itself but how the counselor will be able to deal ethically with the issue when it arises. Thus, a great tool that one should use is to list all the conflict issues that they may arise and then gain the insight as to how to solve the issue ethically. In addition, it is desirable to seek advice from other colleagues about the tactics that may be used in the sessions to resolve the issues. The counselor is supposed to develop either an open or closed session group setting. Whereby in the public group setting session the members of the group are allowed to go and come at their own pleasure. Nevertheless, in the closed group sessions the member is required to be a continuance of the attendance throughout the designated sessions. Close relationship should be built on the counselor as well as a close relationship in-between the other group members as stated by the Forsyth who stated that the aspect of cohesion when conducting the issue of evaluation the leader must activity gain the virtue to keep the group in a cohesiveness mode. The ethical questions that arise from a closed group therapy sessions show the ability for the client to leave at any point. According to Corey, stated that a member should choose to leave the counseling session then that must openly let the group and the counselor must know that they wish to exit and the reason they exiting the group. It can be done in order not to harm the homeostatic environment of the group. Thus when the team member does not do this, it can harm the rest of the group and disrupt the growth process that there is among the group. It leads to a critical ethical topic that must be addressed in the every counseling group that is the issue of com fidelity. As a counselor it safe to uphold the confidentiality of the group members, this can lead to the group members being shy about sharing certain area their lives. There are certain aspects that the counselor can break in the confidential barriers While in the individual counseling, it involves talking personal feeling thoughts and behaviors and the things that are troubling and spend time in talking about the individual relationship with others. Your counselor will work with you to be able to set goals and the things you require to be accomplished  together. The counselor assists you to develop different strategies that can assist you to be able to reach the personal goals. In some cases, it could mean changing the pattern of thinking, learning new skills, changing the behaviors, and shifting the way you feel and express the emotions. References American Psychological Association. Publication manual of the American PsychologicalAssociation (Current ed.) Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Association for Specialists in Group Work. (2007). Best Practice guidelines 2007 revision. Retrieved from Baurhan, S., Smith, J., Steen. S.(2008). The preparation of the professional school counselors for group work. The Journal for Specialists in Group work, 33(3), 253-269 DOI 10.1080/01933920802196120 Booker, B., Henfield M., Steen S. (2014).The achieving success everyday group counseling model: implication for professional school counselors. The Journal for Specialists in Group work, 39(1), 29-46. DOI 101080101933922.2013.861886 Brigman, G., Campbell,C.(2005). Closing the Achievement Gap: A structured approach to group counseling, The Journal for Specialists in Group work, 30(1) ,67-82. DOI 10.1080/01933920590908705 Corey, G., Corey, M., Haynes, R. (2014). Groups in action: Evolution and challenges (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. ISBN: 9781285095059 Cornish, M., Post, B., Wade, N. (2014). Religion and spirituality in group counseling: beliefs and preferences of university counseling center clients. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice. 18(1), 55-68 DOI 10.1037/a0034759 Hartman, D., Zimberoff,D.(2012). Ethics in heart-centered therapies. Journal of Heart Centered Therapies, 15(1). Jacobs, E. E., Masson, R. L., Harvill, R. L., Schimmel, C. J. (2012). Group counseling: Strategies and skills (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. Petrini, C. (2013). Professional ethics between the individual and society. Physical TherapyReviews, 18(2), 142-143. Stuckton, R. (2010). The art and science of group counseling: The Journal for Specialists in Group work, 35(4), 324-330. DOI 101080101933922.2010.515904

Saturday, September 21, 2019

What Influences Teenagers To Smoke?

What Influences Teenagers To Smoke? Why and what influences teenagers to start smoking? This is the topic that no one has the accurate answer. It has been recorded that teenagers smoking is on the rise lately and the exact reason for it, is still unknown. It cannot be denied that everyone dislikes smokers and even the smell of cigarettes can be an unpleasant feeling, but no-one tries to understand why teenagers start smoking in the first place. In this research, it be seen how we tried to find what influences the teenagers to start smoking despite all the warnings, awareness and most importantly the knowledge of knowing that cigarettes smoking are injury to health. Among adults who smoke, 68 percent began smoking regularly at age 18 or younger, and 85 percent started when they were 21 or younger (American Lung Association, 2012). Despite all the millions spent to avoid people to smoke, still the smokers seemed to give very little concern about this matter. As a matter of fact, it cannot be denied that cigarette smoking has been a norm in this 21st century. You can eat five portions of fruit or vegetables a day and exercise regularly but healthy behavior means little if you continue to smoke. (Netdoctor, 2012) Mostly everyone knows that smoking can cause cancer and other sort of illnesses and the most dangerously is lung cancer but despite the warnings, smokers are still addicted to it. For them, they think by smoking cigarettes, it can provide relief and a sort of consolation. As known to all even to the smokers itself, smoking cigarettes bring more harm and cause serious health issues not only to the person smoking but also to those exposed to it. Still, why do people even pick up such a habit even though they are aware of all the health risks related to smoking? So in order to avoid the increase of smokers, I agree that cigarette smoking should be banned just as drug consumption. So the main reason this research has been done is to reveals what influences teenagers to start smoking. What influences teenagers to smoke is proved by the researcher as they have planned to use journals and articles in chapter two. In the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, it is found that boys and girls alike think smoking may be an effective tool for weight control. Where else, in a study published in Journal of Consumer Research by researcher Cornelia Pechmann, (2011) concluded that adolescent are influenced and affected by the type of tobacco advertising and media they are exposed to. Using both quantitative and qualitative methodology, the researchers have stated the analysis of methodology using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) method. Moreover, in chapter five of this research, the researcher is able to summarize the whole research work and make recommendation to the areas with problems that are identified in the research. Tobacco substance is one of the hazardous substances that is created thousand of years ago. It destroys the smokers health. Once you start smoking, you cannot quit. Cigarettes is something like drugs and very addictive to smokers. As we all know and are aware of, smoking is something hazardous to everyones health. Young people smoke for many reasons. They are not aware of what they would be facing and how it will affect their future. Other than that, when a person smokes, not only that particular person will be affected with the consequences but also the ones surrounding that person who inhale the cigarette smoke. These people are in a higher risk to be diagnosed with the consequences such as lung cancer than the person that smokes those passive smokers have the most dangerous effect. That is the main reason why when the word smoking is mentioned it reminds everyone of cancer. Programs and events that are being handled in order to bring awareness to the public about the effects of sm oking are also not helping. Therefore, this research is primarily done to know what are the actual reasons teenagers nowadays are influenced in the habit of smoking. Chapter 2: Literature Review Our thesis aims to find out what influences teenagers to start smoking. For our purposes we conducted a literature search using journals, books and articles. Our review highlights on the major reason of teenagers smoking. The reasons why teenagers now days are influenced in smoking are difficult to be categorized. In the body of literature examined, it was said that the rise in the rates of teenagers smoking was due to the fact that many teenagers were influenced by friends, advertisements, undergoing peer pressure, influenced by parents or weight control. According to the Youth Smoking Survey(2012), it is concluded that 22% of youth between grades 6 to 9 and 48% of youth between the grades 10 to 12 are reported have tried a tobacco product for at least once. 3% of this youth that has tried the product is reported to be current smokers. Several other studies says that the reasons that causes teenagers to start smoking is low self-esteem and the influence of advertisements that gives them an impression that smoking is sociable and help them get in the in crowd. Research has illustrated that coping with stress is a reason to smoking. Just like adults, teenagers use smoking to relieve stress, where the nicotine in the cigarette quickly activates the pleasure side of the brain which creates positive feelings and sensation. The extensive review by Dr. Sheila Bonas, (2012) a lecturer in health psychology, Coventry states that most smokers first start experimenting with cigarette in their teens. It is said that in UK the percentage of teenagers smoking is increasing as they get older. The reason behind the causes of children start smoking includes parents influence. Children whose parents smoke are in a higher risk of starting when compared to those children whose parents are non-smokers. Moreover, according to the study by the World Health Organization, (2012) it is found that the teenagers who were mostly smokers were lonely, had difficulty talking to parents, and had problems at school and so on. Another interesting point that Dr. Sheila Bonas , (2012) has stated was social learning. Social learning theory describes how we learn by example from others. Normally we are easily influenced by our parents and other people that we look up to, which lead us to copy their behavior and try smoking. According to the writer, Todd Flemming, (2012) smoking is getting more familiar in our society that you will have your friends or family members who smoke. In our society, smoking is getting very addictive for everyone that it is unobjectionable and a new trend for this generation. It is stated that this smoking habits usually comes from the ones early or mid-teenage years. The most common reasons are peer pressure. Those who to start smoking; they are most likely get a lot of pressure from their friends or classmates. Teenagers do have a lot of doubts against smoking. They think that they can only become friends with their peers if they start smoking. Children with low self-confidence in themselves, they tend to start smoking just to hang out with the most popular kid. Furthermore, the environment does take place in which the teenagers grow up. They start following their parents, siblings, or relatives who smoke. Toddy Flemming (2012) wrote saying that some children will start picki ng up the habit its either consciously or unconsciously. Some children have the feelings to become matured, just to be with those who are adults. We do agree with Toddy Flemmings points about the smoking habits. His points really helped our research by pointing out the right causes of smoking habits among teenagers. As said by Todd Flemming, peer pressure is said to be one of the reasons why teenagers are influenced to smoking cigarette. This can be seen in a research done by Neil Smith (2012) who states that most kids respond to peer pressure differently. They are opened to its influences in their early teens. This is where they care more about what are their friends opinion than anything else and will try their very best to stay in their friends good graces. As mentioned by Dr. Sheila Bonas (2012) earlier, unable to cope with stress is also the reason for teenagers to begin smoking. This point has also been elaborated by Neil Smith where he states that teenagers and adults that have poor strategies in solving problem and dealing with stress is in more risk of adopting the smoking habit. The rebellion is also another fascinating point that has been put forward by Neil Smith. As we all know and are aware of, the kids now days has begin to push the envelope in the terms of rules and boundaries. O ne of their ways of doing this is by smoking cigarettes, especially when the appeal comes in the form of demanding. For example when someone warns them not to do a particular matter that is when they would want to do it. The phenomenon of smoking among teenagers has been rising extremely high. This research paper is targeting at youth with the intention to gather what influences them to start smoking. As known to all, there are many reasons why adolescents picking up the smoking habit and one of the most common reasons are peer pressure. It cannot be denied that being a teenager can be extremely difficult in todays world and one of the biggest difficulties is when they face the problem of peer pressure. To us whether we like it or not, we have to admit that friends play a major role in a teenagers life. According to the author, Lindsey Samilian, (2012) states that teens smoke because their friends do and as we all know, teenagers spend most of their time with friends, so this is the evidence on how they get influence by their friends who smokes. Furthermore, another interesting point according to the Child Psychology Research Blog, teenagers with higher exposure to movies and television programs that feature characters smoking are more likely to start themselves. So it can be concluded that the higher the exposure a teenagers to movie star smoking, the higher the possibility that the teenagers will start smoking. These resources have helped us a lot in our research paper. It has given us an extra input regarding of our problem statement. In a nutshell, we do agree with the authors point of views which eventually helped us gain more knowledge on cigarette smoking. Chapter 3: Research Methodology Research is a general term among which basically covers all kinds of studies that used in academic activity which includes investigation of a particular topic using a variety of reliable resources. The main purpose of research is to find out the truth which is hidden and which has not been discovered yet. The Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English, 1952 claims that the meaning of research as a careful investigation or inquiry especially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge. In short it can be explained that research defines as the search for knowledge through objective and systematic method of finding solution to a problem. It can also define in three major ways which is by establishing facts, analysing information, and new conclusions. In a clear perception, research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. In it we study the various steps that are generally adopted by a researcher in studying his research problem along with the logic behind them. It is necessary for the researcher to know not only the research methods or techniques but also the methodology. Besides that, researchers also need to understand the assumptions underlying various techniques and the criteria by which they can decide that certain techniques and procedures which will be applicable to certain problems. In a simplest way, it is necessary for the researcher to design his methodology for his problems as the same may differ from problem to problem. Furthermore, research methodology is a set of procedures or methods which used to conduct research. There are two broad approaches of research methodology which is qualitative methods and quantitative methods. Both these methodologies have different functions. As for quantitative research, it is about investigating thing which could be observed and measure in some way. Such observations and measurements can be made objectively and repeated by other researchers. Whereas qualitative research, on the other hand, is an attempt to increase the understanding of why things are the way they are in our social world and why people act the way they do (Marshall Rossman, 1999). In a nutshell, qualitative methods aim to discover the underlying motives of human behaviour. Through such research we can analyse the various factors which motivate people to behave in a particular manner or which make people like or dislike a particular thing. A quantitative methodology test theory concludes from the existing knowledge, through forming hypothesized relationships and suggested outcomes for the study; qualitative researchers are guided by particular ideas, perspectives or hunches regarding the topic to be investigated. The quantitative methods used produced reasonable scientific answers, and as a result of this data, action was developed and changes took place. Quantitative research demands a random selection of sample from the study population and a random assignment of the sample to the various study groups. There are three key factors of quantitative research. The first key factor is control which is the important element because it enables the scientist to identify the causes of his or her observations. The second key factor is operational definition where the terms should be defined by the procedure used in order to avoid any confusion in meaning and communication during the investigation. The final key factor is replic ation where the data obtained from the experiment carried out should be reliable. The weakness of the quantitative approach is that random selection is time-consuming, with the result that many studies use more easily obtained sample. This inhibits the possibilities of generalization, especially if the sample is too small. In quantitative research, the researchers maintain a fixed objective view to understand the facts. The use of some procedure may bring no direct contact with the topics at all as in postal questionnaire surveys (Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches, Christina Hughes, 2012). On the other hand, a qualitative research is mainly to describe a particular aspect of the phenomenon, using a view to explain the subject of the study. According to Benoliel, 2012 he described qualitative research as modes of systematic enquiry concerned with understanding human beings and the nature of their transactions with themselves and with their understandings. Methods such as grounded theory and ethnography research can be described as a qualitative approach. In order to adding quality to the data obtained, it helps in subjects to increase issues and topics that researchers would not have included in a structured designed research. When qualitative methods lose on reliability they gain in terms of validity. They provide a more depth and rich description. One weakness of a qualitative methodology is the fact that the process is under-standardized and depends on the insights and the abilities of the observer, thus making the judgment of the theory difficult. Study has examined that this issues can be demonstrated that reliability could be assessed by using independent experts to examine different aspects of the methods of developing grounded theory. However, one must question the feasibility of using such a costly process in terms of time and money in order to check the theory of qualitative study (Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches, Christina Hughes, 2012). In order to help us get more information about our research, we have chosen to use questionnaires as it seems to be a logical and easy option to collect information from people and to find out what are their opinion on teenagers now days smoking. The respondent can decide to use closed or open questions, and is also offered multiple choice questions from which to choose the statement which nearly describes their answer or opinion to a statement. Other techniques such as, case study and interviews was not chosen to be used as our source from the respondent because it takes a longer period and it enables face to face discussion with the respondent which requires a suitable person to be interviewed. The methods or techniques employed to analyze the data collected is through the internet and pubic survey. We did a small survey where we can ask a few people regarding of what they think about smoking and also what they think that influences teenagers to smoke cigarettes now days. A positive outcome from the survey has been done since our respondents were mostly elderly people and young adult. Chapter 4: Analysis of Methodology This study is based on the problem statement that we choose for our research which is What influences teenagers to start smoking? This study took place at Segi College Kuala Lumpur between October 11 and October 12. The questionnaire was given to the Segi students range of the age between 18 to 24 years old. For the results based on the questionnaires, a total number of twenty respondents were chosen for this research. Out of 20 respondents, 60% found under male category and the rest 40% under the female category. A total 95% agreed that the main influence of teenagers to smoke cigarettes are friends and the rest 5% of the respondents answered that parents are the main influence. Based on the questionnaire that was given out, we have researched that 60% of the respondents are smoking and 40% of the students do not smoke. Moreover, 75 % disagreed that they have intend to stop smoking in the next six months whereas 25% agreed that they will stop smoking for the next six months. 25% strongly agreed that their husband, wife or partner will be supportive or helpful to try stopping them from smoking. 50% agreed that their husband, wife or partner will be supportive or helpful to try stopping them from smoking and the rest 25% did not agree any of the people that they think will be supportive or helpful. 66.67% strongly agreed that their family members will be very supportive stopping them from smoking whereas 25% agreed that only their family members will help them to stop smoking and the rest 8.33% did not agree about the statement that was given.16.67 % totally agreed that their friends will be supportive or helpful to try stopping them from smoking.33.33% agreed that their friends will help them to try stopping them from smoking and 50% did not agree that their friends will give motivation or even being supportive to help them stop smoking. Other than that, 8.33 % strongly agreed that their working colleagues will help stopping them from smoking. 50% agreed that their working colleagues will help be supportive to stop them from smoking and the rest 41.67% did not agree about their working colleagues. Furthermore, 25% of the respondents answered that it is difficult for them to stop smoking because they enjoy it.16.67% answered that they are too addicted to smoking until it is difficult for them to stop smoking.25% of the respondents had answered that they do not have enough of will power to stop smoking and the rest of 33.33% cant resist the craving for cigarette. 25% respondents answered that their family will be the prime reason if they have the in tend to stop smoking. While 8.33% respondents answered that their partner is the prime reason if they have the courage to stop smoking whereas 66.67% respondents answered that their health is the prime reason. 58.33 % of the respondents prefer to smoke because influenced by their friends. 16.67% of the teenagers answered that they want to look macho if they smoke and 25% choose to smoke because of their curiosity. 16.67 % of the respondents answered that the reason why they are addicted to smoking is because of their peer pressure.33 .33% choose depression as their answer based on the question on why are they addicted to smoking. The other 50% answered that they are stress and thats why they are addicted to smoking. 100% agreed that society do play an important role in teenagers smoking habit. Other than that, 25% of the respondents answered that they began to smoke regularly age range between 11-15 years old. 58.33% of the respondents answered age range between 16-18 years old was the age they began to smoke cigarettes and while the others 16.67 % start smoking age range 19 and above. As the research of the questionnaire was going on, we found out that 50% agreed that smoking really aids weight loss and the other 50% disagreed with the statement. 40% agreed that they will consider taking up smoking to lose weight and 60% disagreed that they do not consider taking up smoking to lose weight.20% of the respondents agreed that it will affect the relationship or interaction with them if their friends smoke and the rest 80% of the respondents disagreed. Moreover, 30% agreed that cigarettes should be made illegal and 70% strongly disagreed that cigarettes should be made illegal. 40% of the respondents which are the non-smoker agreed that they will consider smoking and 60% of the respondents which are the non-smoker disagreed that they will ever consider smoking.45% agreed that they will feel bothered when people smoke cigarettes around them and the other 55% disagreed with the statement. 85% of the respondents which are non-smoker agreed that they will consider giving ad vice or motivate their friends or family members to stop smoking whereas 15% disagreed that they will consider or give support to their friends or family members to stop smoking. Last but not least, 5% of the respondents feel comfortable when their opposite sex smokes. 80% of the respondents answered uncomfortable and 15% answered I dont mind if their opposite sex smokes. Mean 16.8 Median 20 Chapter 5: Conclusion Recommendation As a conclusion, we would like to say that many people have different prospects on smoking. Being aware of the dangers of smoking and how it can harm a persons health, we still wonder why some people actually even pick up this bad habit. Many still dont realize that they are not only harming themselves but also others by smoking. The government has done its duty by giving a helping hand in reducing the amount of smokers in the country by increasing the price of the cigarettes. There are many answers to why teenagers nowadays are influenced to the smoking habit. According to our research, we have concluded that the main influence is friends. It may be in any form. That is by trying to be in the in group or being forced by their friends to try to smoke and later on being addicted to it or even because of low self-esteem. Eventually one day, our country will be a smoke free where the population of smokers will decrease dramatically. Based on our research, we would like to give some recommendations that we think can help in reducing the amount of smokers in our country. First of all, mass media as we all know is a large influence on teenagers nowadays. The teenagers tend to follow or adopt whatever that is being advertised or shown in the media. Not only advertisements on smoking will affect the teenagers but celebrities also play a big role. Teenagers tend to adopt the characteristics of their favourite celebrity through the media. If a celebrity smokes, so as the fans of the celebrity. Moreover, the media may also lend a helping hand by organizing various anti-smoking campaigns is that associated with the negatives of smoking and how it may affect a persons health and also the people surrounding him. Next is home. Home is the main place where children get their knowledge from. Whatever, they see and hear is doing great effects to the development of their personalities and also their attitudes. The bad habit of smoking depends on how the parents bring up their children. By showing the children good examples, by not smoking or smoking in front of them, may help them to not pick up the habit. Giving them knowledge in order for them to be aware of what are the negatives of smoking and how it can causes cancers at an early age will help them get a clearer picture on smoking. Lack of parents guidance and supervision may cause the children to feel lonely and stressed up. This may lead them to picking up the habit. Finally would be the schools. The school is the place where children and teenagers spend most of their time. It is the place where they develop their personality and characteristics. The schools should set rules and policies that will help to guide the students to have a proper behaviour and form into a good young adult that is able to lead his life in a proper way. By having the Moral subject in school will also help the students realize what is good and what is bad for them. They are able to get a good picture on it and try their best to not fall into the wrong habits.