Friday, December 27, 2019

The Bible Is The Account Of God s Action - 864 Words

The Bible is the account of God’s action in the world through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. It also explains what God’s purpose is for His people and creation. I believe that it is important to spend time in this Living Word, so that we can better understand the way God intends for us to live and further His kingdom. â€Å"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness† (2 Timothy 3:16). I believe these words were given to us for a reason and have so many lessons pertaining to each scripture. Understanding what is written can often be tricky, so it is essential to spend time in devotion, interpreting scriptures, and seeking God to reveal more meaning behind them. Two challenging scriptures to discern are 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 and Matthew 5:27-30. In 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 scripture states â€Å"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.† This a normative passage that is an essential universal teaching to all. This verse, for me, means that in all seasons of life you should rejoice, pray, and give thanks. These seasons may be full of sorrow, joy, sadness, or happiness, but regardless you should still gladly fulfill this command that was given to you through Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians was written by Paul and directed towards a group of new believers. As you start your spiritual journey, you are fully committed and on fire for Christ. As timesShow MoreRelatedGod And The Potter Of Our Lives973 Words   |  4 PagesOnly God can judge me. Have you ever heard this phrase? Many people use this phrase today in society, but do they really give their faithfulness to God? A time will come when everyone must answer to God for their choices and actions. 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The sacred book of Judaism is the Torah, which consistsRead MoreThe Field Of Biblical Literary Criticism1168 Words   |  5 PagesRobert Alter s 1981 The Art of Biblical Narrative stamps the symbolic arrival of a style of analysis that has now become entrenched in modern biblical research. Robert Alter argues that the Bible is a largely cohesive literary text to be read with a literary purpose. In this essay it is asked if assumptions about texts predicated on the study of modern literature can be profitably applied to a multiple-authored, multi-layered collection of ancient provenance such as the Hebrew Bible and offers aRead MoreA Religious Appearance Of Creationism985 Words   |  4 Pagesto be accomplished in the public academy system. The foundation of change is based aloft the accepting that the agent of all ordered circuitous systems, including active creatures, can be explained by accustomed laws after the admission or action of God. A person who believes in the biblical archetypal of conception is beheld by some non- believers as a naive, bigoted religious activist who is not accommodating to look at the appreciable affirmation with an accessible mind. Because the evolutionaryRead MoreSaved By Grace Through Faith : So Do Works Matter?1571 Words   |  7 Pagesthe themes that are central to its belief system is the theme of Salvation. It all began in Heaven when Lucifer (now called Satan or devil) was dismissed from Heaven for stubborn rebellion against the divine government of God. You can read the brief account in the following bible references: Ezekiel 28:12 - 19; Isaiah 14:12 - 15; Revelation 12:7 - 9. He was cast out with those angels who decided to take sides with him, knowing well the consequences of following the path of rebellion. This was theRead MoreWhat Are You? How Do You Exist?1050 Words   |  5 Pagesimage of that Creator, God. It says in the bible that he formed man out of dust from the ground, blew into his nostrils the breath of life, â€Å"and the man came to be a living soul.† (Ge 2:7; 1Co 15:45) What is the purpose of life? I believe our intelligence, conscience and ability to reason imply the Creator had a reason or purpose in creating mankind. So then logically we can only find our true purpose by living in harmony with the Creator’s purpose. The Bible teaches that God had a specific purposeRead MoreThe Human Nature Of Humanity Essay1660 Words   |  7 Pagescentury English thinker John Locke who maintained that governments derive their legitimacy from the consent of the governed ideas of religious freedom followed from the enlightenment notion that the natural region of community was a simple believe in God the Creator, virtue, and the goodness and freedom of humanity. Wars over religious differences were scandalous and irrational from this perspective and we re essentially result of religious authorities trying to force us into pond everyone. EnlightenmentRead MoreSalvation : God s Children1391 Words   |  6 PagesIslamic religion. Each of these branches of faith/religion tends to hold dif ferent views about what salvation is and how one is to achieve salvation before dying. Based on the teachings of the Jewish faith, salvation is based on the messages from God saying that one day He would return back to His land and redeem the people of Israel from their various exiles. Jews tend to believe that there is no specific process to achieving that happily ever after. According to the Torah, in Genesis 4:7, it states

Thursday, December 19, 2019

What Effect Did The Good Neighbor Have On The Relations...

What effect did the Good Neighbor have on the relations between the United States and Latin American countries from 1933 to 1939. After decades of American imperialism in Latin American nations, Franklin Roosevelt wanted to reduce American influence and improve relations. Before this, the American government effectively controlled Latin America with a series of puppet dictatorships that supported American interests in the region. As a result, Anti American sentiment was becoming very intense and violent. The Good Neighbor policies improved inter American relations by removing troops, recognizing the sovereignty of nations, and promoting cultural interactions. Up until the implementation of the Good Neighbor policy, several Latin American†¦show more content†¦A breakdown of the 1934 treaty reveals that both parties took a part in constructing it unlike the 1903 treaty that was dominated by the United States. Cuba clearly achieves political sovereignty and the United States do es not lose its strategic ports and resources. Another article demonstrates the age of the treaty but still being respectful since it lets each nation deal with disease outbreaks in their respective territories independently of each other. At that time, trusting another nation with something like a disease outbreak was relatively uncommon demonstrating the desire by both countries to be closer allies. The removal of the troops and the rescinding of the old treaty are a key part of the Good Neighbor Policy. The Good Neighbor Policy was central to Franklin Roosevelt’s overall foreign policy during his first terms in office. This is apparent in his inaugural address to the nation stating that: â€Å"I would dedicate this Nation to the policy of the good neighbor†. (Franklin Roosevelt) Roosevelt taking a stance on foreign policy in the throes of the Great Depression is unusual, but demonstrates the commitment to diplomacy and sowing goodwill among the Latin American nation s. Additionally, there is a recognition that a healthy political relationship needs to be established so an economic relationship can flourish improving the lives of everyone. Focusing on inter American

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

In-N-Out Burger Case Study free essay sample

1)In the eyes of its customers, In-N-Out Burger provides them a huge value that they are willing to go well out of their way for. From In-N-Out’s beginning, their marketing plan has been simple and effective in order to capture value from its customers. For this to happen, In-N-Out needs to understand the market place and their customers needs and wants. In this case, In-N-Out knows that their customers do not just want a burger from a large chain restaurant, but one from a restaurant that has kept its original philosophy in place, â€Å"Give customers the freshest, highest quality foods you can buy and provide them with friendly service in a sparkling clean environment† (Principles 33). This philosophy has helped to keep the company on track and to continue capturing value from its customers. In-N-Out Burger’s customer-driven marketing strategy is very effective. They know that to have satisfied customers they must have happy, and motivated employees. In-N-Out pays their employees very well compared to other burger chains salaries and offers multiple benefits for all of its workers. This keeps the employees happy, which in turn, makes the customers feel good about eating there (Principles 33-34). In-N-Out Burger needs to deliver superior value to their customers by constructing and integrating a marketing plan. This plan incorporates a supply and distribution system that is unique to the industry. Many of In-N-Outs competitors have a complex distribution service with food products coming from factories all over the country. In-N-Out has always kept their menu simple, by never changing it. They keep company owned distributors close to their stores, they use only fresh foods, and none of their ingredients are prepared in a factory (Principles 33). Customers value this business strategy, which is what In-N-Out wants to create higher customer satisfaction. In-N-Out does not spend a lot on advertising. They spend approximately one percent of the companies’ revenue on advertisements. This is a very small percentage when compared to McDonalds and their seven percent of revenue that is spent on advertising. New customers normally learn of In-N-Out through celebrities, or friends and family (Principles 34). Many of these business practices bring profitable relationships and customer delight to In-N-Out Burger. 2)Customers expect a certain level of performance and quality from an In-N-Out Burger restaurant. The customer has certain needs, wants, and demands that need to be met in order to satisfy their expectations. Humans need food, but they do not need an In-N-Out burger to survive. Their wants is what makes them desire an In-N-Out burger and their demands need to be met. A consumers wants, when backed by their buying power, becomes a demand (Principles 6). When they purchase what they desire, in this case a burger from In-N-Out, an exchange is made. The customer expects a level of quality when they spend their money, an In-N-Out works to achieve that. The performance In-N-Out provides exceeds many of its competitors in food quality and customer care. The customers’ performance expectations are met, and they become loyal to In-N-Out. In-N-Out Burger has a large following. There is even a secret menu that has been created over the years that customers enjoy teaching to new patrons of In-N-Out (Principles 34). This consumer generated marketing, in which consumers play â€Å"an increasing role in shaping their own brand experiences and those of other consumers,† is one indication that In-N-Out’s customers are very satisfied with the level of service that is provided to them (Principles 18). In-N-Out restaurants work to increase customer satisfaction and their customer’s perceived value. The amount of customer satisfaction and loyalty In-N-Out has received implies that their marketing strategies have produced very good outcomes for the company. In-N-Out’s popularity is ever growing, and their slow expansion makes customers across the country go well out of their way to eat there (Principles 33). Their unchanging menu and slow expansion gives In-N-Out managers and corporate employees time to concentrate on keeping up their standards and increasing their store’s level of performance. This business strategy seems to exceed customer’s expectation and keeps them coming back to In-N-Out Burger. 3)In-N-Out Burger should not adopt a high-growth strategy. An evaluation of the company would prove that their current marketing strategy, which has been practically unchanged for several decades, is proving to be very successful and fulfills their customer’s expectations. A SWOT analysis is â€Å"an overall evaluation of the company’s strengths (S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O), and threats (T)† (Principles 55). The SWOT analysis analyzes these factors, and once complete, the company can adjust their marketing plan and strategies. Every company can benefit from a SWOT analysis of its company’s basic strategic building blocks, even if it’s determined that little to no change is necessary. Once the business analysis has been performed and the company strategy is formalized, then structure should be chosen to support the strategy in the most effective way possible. The strengths of a company that are evaluated in a SWOT analysis include internal capabilities, resources, and factors that may help the company better serve its customers (Principles 55). In-N-Out Burger has already applied strong measures to ensure satisfied customers. They believe that happy employees create happy customers, so they provide all In-N-Out Burger employees with benefits and wages that exceed salaries from competitive burger restaurants. In-N-Out Burger currently has a slow growth strategy. They make sure to only open a maximum of ten stores a year to ensure they have trained managers and that company-owned distribution centers are in place (Principles 34). These goals of In-N-Out Burger strengthen their customer and employee relations. Weaknesses that are analyzed in a SWOT analysis include internal limitations and negative situational factors that may cause interference with the company’s function (Principles 55). In-N-Out Burger’s slow expansion can also hurt them. Though limiting the amount of stores they open ensures that there are enough resources for that store, it also limits them to the amount of potential customers. Opportunities are external factors that In-N-Out Burger may be able to use to its advantage. These could include taking advantage of social media sites for advertising. In-N-Out Burger sets aside a small portion, one percent of its yearly revenue, for advertising (Principles 33). Though word of mouth has done In-N-Out Burger well in the past, interest in the company could slow down, and advertising online would be to their advantage. Threats to the company are unfavorable external factors or trends that may present challenges to their performance. Trends in burgers may slow down as people become more conscious about their health. Natural disasters or animal illnesses could also ruin many of the products In-N-Out Burger receives. As a whole, In-N-Out Burger’s marketing plan should stay unchanged. Their current slow-growth plan pleases employees and makes costumers go out of their way for their product. This plan ensures that their quality stays the same. If you examine business strategies from In-N-Out Burgers competitors that have a high-growth strategy, their business practices and quality of service and product is very different. In-N-Out Burger prides itself for remaining different from the rest and should continue to pursue the marketing strategy that has done them well since 1948. Bibliography:

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Unsaid free essay sample

Kyle shows aggression through his behaviour (Plays handball really rough) and the way he talks to his father 2. What effect does the suicide have on other family members? List findings throughout the movie. * Michael gives up his job as a psychiatrist; instead he writes books and gives lectures. * Parents divorced after Kyle’s death (Shelly lives with the mother) * Michael is mostly depressed There isn’t great communication between the family members * Shelly blames herself for Kyle’s death 3. What is Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome? * Post Traumatic Syndrome is some kind of stress disorder 4. Describe similarities and differences between Tommy and Kyle’s behaviours. * Tommy and Kyle both play handball * Both of them are also mentally ill 5. What happened at the Raven that indicated Tommy was not fully mentally healthy regarding his mother’s murder? * He gets angry really easily when talking about his mother 6. Is Michael mentally healthy over his son’s suicide? Why does Michael say â€Å"I’m OK† when people ask him how he’s feeling? * Michael is not mentally over his son’s suicide * Michael says he’s OK because he wants to escape moments because it triggers moments where he had to remember his son 7. We will write a custom essay sample on The Unsaid or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page List several acts of violence in this film. * Tommy punches a girls at a party (killed her) * Tommy’s dad kills his own wife when he found his son in the closet * Tommy gets angry in the kitchen and throws things all around the kitchen, hile he talks about his parents, especially his mother * Harry shoots himself in the head, and Michael witnesses it through the window * Tommy beats up Barbara like he had seen his father do it * Tommy apparently killed Tory because he arrived at Barbara’s house in his Red car 8. What is the true cause of Tommy’s mental illness? * He has witnessed how his father had beaten his mother to death and that what caused him to get angry 9. What was the true cause of Kyle’s suicide? Kyle had a special relationship with a boy and he felt dirty so he took his own life 10. Discuss the impact of this movie on your views of mental illness and teen violence. * Teenagers not always appear in the way that they behave * Mental illness trigger about the past such in this case the witness of aggression the murders of his own mother, but also about acceptance because Kyle committed suicide because they didn’t accept him for who he really was