Tuesday, October 15, 2019

1st Amendment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

1st Amendment - Essay Example Freedom of speech should also be limited whereby one takes away someones rights such as threats and discrimination. Freedom of speech should also be limited for matters of national security whereby information shared should be confidential( Freedom of Expression in the United States, 2013) Yes, freedom of speech can improve society. Freedom of speech allows citizens to freely criticize the government which responds to answer to its actions unlike whereby speech is restricted, unfair criticisms tend to rise and may spread all over the country. Freedom of speech gives the society political right which allows them to resist to oppression, injustice and have free elections. Freedom of speech allows citizens to freely express their minds on vital issues of the society and access information which promotes the free flow of thoughts that preserve democracy and self-actualization for the healthy development of the society. Pure freedom is speech is not beneficial in todays world since unlimited freedom of speech is damaging to the development of the society and the government service to its citizens. In scenarios whereby speech is unlimited, unfair criticisms are made against the state in which case the state cannot respond. This results in poor relations between the state and its citizens and its a step backwards to national development. The modern society often abuses the freedom of speech to hurt and harm others. For example; Television stations, air adult content without putting a warning message and minors end up being exposed to indecent material. They should be limited to airing those programs at later hours. No, allowing people to freely spread hatred, incite violence and ridicule others religions and nations results in a divide and lack of peace between the people, different religions and countries. It also violates the freedom of speech, freedom of expression and the right to

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