Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How Human Computer Interactions Incorporated Into Computer...

2. Purpose The purpose of the authors is to introduce the capabilities of context-aware design and give an insight into how it can positively affect and benefit the user’s lifestyle. The authors inform the audience of the three types of context-aware computer systems and uses prototype examples to clearly explain them to an audience who would not be knowledgeable about this field. The article highlights how human-computer interactions incorporated into computer systems are continuously evolving to provide a more personal, efficient and user friendly experience. This has further extended onto systems that recognise contexts and situations allowing less user inputs and more about understanding and analysing the user’s preferences. 3. Key Information 3.1 Framework Context aware design is the concept of computer systems being attentive of the user’s setting or context. It will recognise engagement and interactions from the user and model the situations to accomplish a set task or purpose. The fundamental framework of context aware designs takes into consideration a user’s personal needs which may be affected by many factors such as habits, self-image, and issues of motivation. Thus, many questions are raised and answered in the planning process regarding the purpose, intended audience, inputs and outputs required etc. to design such technologies that are able to understand and interpret what the user’s goals are. The prototype examples exhibit endless possibilities andShow MoreRelatedThe Myth Of The Ant Queen By Steven Johnson1420 Words   |  6 Pages Technology has tremendously changed human social behavior, which has provided a convenient way for people to communicate and collaborate with each other. For instance, Cath y Davidson, the author of â€Å"Project Classroom Makeover,† points out, there is a need to renew the current education system so that it meets the new expectation of the digital era. 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