Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Post Traumatic Stess Disorder - 1465 Words

Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD; what is it, what are the symptoms, how is it diagnosed, can it be treated, what affects does it have on the family? As I have personally seen PTSD; these are some of the questions I asked myself on weekly bases. Now that I have reoccurring thoughts about my personal situations, I find myself asking some of the same questions after each deployment. I wonder I am going to come back the man I was or come back an unrecognizable void. I have done extensive research on the disorder to try to answer some of the questions that has plagued me throughout my career, and by sharing with you what I have found, the information may give someone else a little more insight of what the disorder really is. What is†¦show more content†¦For some people these therapies work their best together and for others just one does the job. The first therapy is exposure therapy, â€Å"exposure therapy asks patients to confront, in a safe way, the very situations, objects, people and memories they have attached to the trauma† (Foa 2001) This therapy helps the patient confront their fears in a healthy way, to try to slay the beast and get on with their lives. The second therapy is anxiety management. Anxiety management is five techniques taught to people that help cope with the anxiety experienced from PTSD. The five techniques are,† breathing training, relaxation, assertiveness training, positive thinking and self-talk [and] thought stopping.† These techniques help people calm down enough to cope with their fears slowly, and is usually is used with the exposure therapy process. The third therapy is cognitive therapy. Cognitive therapy is positive thinking and  "helps you understand how your thoughts affect your feelings.† (Foa 2001) By using these four steps the therapy helps achieve positive feelings and thoughts. Step one, â€Å"become more aware of distressing thoughts.† Step two, â€Å"pay attention to connections between your thoughts, feelings and behaviors.† Step three, â€Å"challenge (talk back to) your negative thoughts.† Last but not least step four, â€Å"substitute positive thoughts for negative ones.†(Foa, 2001) Psychotherapy is aShow MoreRelatedEssay Acute Stress Response3128 Words   |  13 PagesLiberty University May 6, 2012 Abstract Acute stress disorder and post-traumatic disorder are related in many of their symptoms, however acute stress disorder happens immediately following a traumatic event and never lasts more than a month. Acute stress disorder also shows signs of dissociation, which is associated with daydreaming or spacing out. Post-traumatic stress disorder victims have similar symptoms to acute stress disorder; however the symptoms persist for longer than a month. Treatment

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